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-Adrian Paul: Hello, my friends. How are you? I'm waiting for your questions.
-mik: how are you?
-Adrian Paul: I'm very well, thanks, and you?
-Fadette: Peekaboo, Adrian! What did you think about the show with Cauet? Not too much of a surprise?
-Adrian Paul: Not too much, except that I don't like carrots! (Don't ask me, Forumlanders, I have no idea who Cauet is or what the bit the carrots is about. Was that on the video clips? I didn't have time to watch … finals this week.)
-mik: You look tired.
-Adrian Paul: Well, thank you very much. Luckily, I can't see you.
-Adrian Paul: Is that a statement or a question? :)
-Methos: What are you doing now besides promoting the series?
-Adrian Paul: I'm talking to you to tell you to buy the series. It's super important. ;)
-mik: How long will you be in France?
-Adrian Paul: A week.
-Adrian Paul: It's too cold!
-offrock: Good evening. Adrian, do you think that all of the seasons of HL will be released on DVD in France?
-Adrian Paul: Surely bit by bit if you're wise. You have to be immortal to have all six. =)
-veroduncan: Don't you regret having left a series that was going so well?
-Adrian Paul: No, because after six years that was enough, and it was better for my career not to be too attached to the series.
-Samuel: What's your favorite season of HL?
-Adrian Paul: Season 4 or 5 because there was more style, more quality.
-PyroMoustico: What's it like to be compared to Van Damme?
-Adrian Paul: That's the first time I've been compared to Van Damme!
-mik: Do you do martial arts?
-Adrian Paul: Yeah, I've been doing them for fifteen years, Kung Fu (Hung Gar) style.
-veroduncan: You are just too handsome. Do you have a fiancée?
-Adrian Paul: Yes :) If I say yes, then I lose my whole audience. If I say no, then she'll smack me. =)
-Marcus: Will we see you as James Bond soon? ';-)'
-Adrian Paul: Right now they're deciding if they want a 25 year old Bond because they might want to do a prequel. If they go for that, I can't play someone who's 25 .
-Fadette: Have you kept in contact with other actors from the series?
-Adrian Paul: Yeah, still, of course. I got an e-mail from Jim Byrnes the other week and I saw Elisabeth Gracen around two weeks ago. I'm still in contact with them.
-mik: Can you tell us your best memory from filming HL?
-Adrian Paul: There are too many of them. It's a little hard to list them here, but I think the best thing is that I made a lot of good friends during the series.
-Samuel: Do you have any news about Christophe Lambert ?
-Adrian Paul: Not for the last two years because he works too much and travels all over the place.
-Samuel: Will there be a HL5 … with avec Adrian Paul ?
-Adrian Paul: Maybe. They're talking about our script right now, but I'm not sure that I'll want to do it because it depends on the quality of the script.
-PyroMoustico: Any other projects underway?
-Adrian Paul: Yes, I'm in the process of presenting an idea about the life of Giacomo Casanova.
-veroduncan: Who were your favorite actors or actresses in the series?
-Adrian Paul: As far as favorite actors, that's a hard question because I had really good actors in really good roles, and if I remember one or two it would be Elisabeth Gracen, Alexandra Vandernoot, Roger Daltrey among many others.
-mik: Stop! My mom and friend can't take any more! LOL
-Adrian Paul: Are they excited? I'm happy. =)
-PyroMoustico: Casanova ?! Because he resembles you or because you admire him?
-Adrian Paul: Because he isn't known for all of the things he did in his life.
-Adrian Paul: He was very sophisticated, very intelligent and also very sexual and he had fantastic adventures that people don't know about.
-Samuel: Did you have a hand in writing any episodes of the series?
-Adrian Paul: I had a hand in the ideas and when I received a script for the next episode, usually the first thing that I did was talk to the scriptwriter to change some things that had to do with my character with relation to other characters in the episode.
-Samuel: Did you think it was a good idea to make Richie Ryan disappear from the series by having Duncan decapitate him?
-Adrian Paul: Yes!
-Samuel: What do you think of the series "The Immortal" that derived, in part, from HL?
-Adrian Paul: I haven't seen the series and I know that it had some problems with the setting, but it's difficult to get something out of the viewers' heads once it's there.
-Duncan78: Have you ever gotten hurt while filming?
-Adrian Paul: Yes, lots of times!!! I still have scars, look here!
-Marcus: Will we be able to see you while you're in Paris?
-Adrian Paul: No, I won't be here long, and after these two work days I'll have to go and amuse myself a little in a little town I'm very fond of.
-Fadette: How long have you been working on behalf of the PEACE foundation? AT the risk of looking silly, you were the one who founded it.
-Adrian Paul: I did found it, and it worked for two years and after that, I stopped because I wanted to concentrate on something else. It was very successful and I wasn't able to grow it alone, it was too much work.
-cactana: Will there be a HL convention in France?
-Adrian Paul: I'm not sure
-Adrian Paul: Do you want to do one? ;)
-Samuel: What kind of music do you like? Who's your favorite singer?
-Adrian Paul: R&B, Reggae. I don't have a favorite singer because I like too many styles of music and singers.
-mik: Have you made a HL blooper reel? (Forumlanders, I deserve extra-double-dark chocolate brownie points for finding "blooper").
-Adrian Paul: Yes, it's in the DVD boxed set!! You've got to buy it!!! When you see it, they didn't get my ass!! (I have no idea what he means; feel free to speculate.)
-Modérateur: Why did you cut your ponytail?
-Adrian Paul: Because it was time to do it, and I sold it to a charity organization that needed it.
-Methos: Are there actors or directors you'd like to work with?
-Adrian Paul: Yes, a lot. Luc Besson is the first one that comes to mind and Sophie Marceau is … sublime. :p
-Marcus: You were always so well dressed in the series. Did you choose the wardrobe?
-Adrian Paul: Yes, but not all the time but I had a choice every week of the outfits that were presented to me.
-offrock: I bought the DVD and it's great and very complete. BRAVO
-Adrian Paul: Thanks a lot !! But I'm not the one who made it, it was Opening.
-luc: What's become of the other actors in the series, especially Stan Kirch?
-Adrian Paul: Stan Kirch is an acting teacher and Elisabeth Gracen left the business. Alexandra works in France. Jim plays a lot of music now. Peter Wingfield is still an actor, he's made a lot of films including X-Men !!
-Methos: What do you think of current Hollywood movies ?
-Adrian Paul: Hollywood movies are run by money, from time to time they're well made and other times I'm not sure I know what a script is made.
-luc: Do you prefer to film in the US or France ?
-Adrian Paul: They're two different things. It depends on the film's style, on the project. IN the States they've got good quality action films because they have a lot of experience with the technical aspects. In France there's a quality to the setting.
-Samuel: I'd love to buy the barge in Paris that we see in the series. Is it yours?
-Adrian Paul: No, and I don't know where it is now. It was too cold inside!! Especially when in a season like this one.
-luc: Highlander End Game, do you think it's good movie?
-Adrian Paul: I think the film had some problems. It was a little confusing and that was the fault of the script and the editing.
-michelle: Do you follow a very strict diet? Are you a vegetarian or do you like French cuisine?
-Adrian Paul: It's pretty strict. I don't eat too many sauces, and from time to time French cuisine has a lot of cheese and sauces. So when I come to France I like to eat well but for a long time. And I'm not vegetarian.
-tombulle: Did you learn French filming HL in France or did you already speak it?
-Adrian Paul: I spoke it a little before; it got better when I was filming, Except that it's been a long time since I've used it and I'm losing words and phrases. I need a few days in France and it comes back bit by bit.
-mik: Did you do your own stunts in the series?
-Adrian Paul: Yeah, have you seen the scars? Well, not all of them but I often did the ones that weren't too dangerous. Now maybe I'd think twice before doing them.
-mik: How do you see your life as an immortal in the real world?
-Adrian Paul: Uh, I'm not an immortal and I don't have a sword hidden on me, especially with airport security being as tight as it is.
-Methos: Would you like to do a martial arts movie, with Jet Li maybe?
-Adrian Paul: That depends on the role, if it's a good script because I always look at scripts and also the people I have to work with.
-offrock: Why don't you produce the next HL yourself?
-Adrian Paul: Because I've done a lot of it. I decided to stop the series because six years was already enough.
-PyroMoustico: I could see you in Walker Texas Ranger. Would you like that?
-Adrian Paul: NO!! It's not my style.
-Fadette: Was the series as successful in the US as here in France?
-Adrian Paul: Yes, but I think that in Europe it was more successful because it was broadcast on the main channels but it was on cable in the US.
-Samuel: Are you completely satisfied with the last episode of the series?
-Adrian Paul: Yes, it's always hard to finish a series like HL, it was good to see all the things that happened in the series. When I saw the last script there was one thing that I didn't like but fortunately, I could change it. They wanted me to give a toast to the audience and I didn't want that, so I talked to them and said that it wasn't right to have such a good series end that way.
-Adrian Paul: Now they've decided to make Duncan leave in the future and in the next film.
-hilo: Do you think there was a philosophy of non-violence in the series?
-Adrian Paul: Yes, especially in the last season but it was really hard to show because the series had to do with cutting heads off, so I tried to put the idea of non-violence in Duncan's character when I could.
-Duncan78: Do you believe in reincarnation ?
-Adrian Paul: Yes.
-guy: Do you have an official website?
-Adrian Paul: Yes! www.adrianpaul.net
-Fadette: I can tell you that your French is great!
-Adrian Paul: Thanks but a colleague else is typing for me.
-caroline06: Do you think that your character in the series has influenced young people to do the same thing in real life?
-Adrian Paul: You mean cutting off heads ??????!!!!!
-Adrian Paul: If you're talking about influencing young people to have discipline in their life, then YES, because there are a lot of people who come to me to say that their child has changed his or her way of thinking after seeing the series.
-mik: Have you met the person who does your French voice?
-Adrian Paul: Yes, once. It's weird to hear myself in French.
-Mr_papayou: Have you done hot stuff on film?
-Adrian Paul: We did a lot of hot scenes in the series. And sometimes I've had the chance to do them in films. But it's weird that there's a hot scene in everything I do (but no X-rated stuff)
-mik: Does your character miss you a lot? We do.
-Adrian Paul: Not too much, but from time to time I have a good memory about my time on HL. But you have to know how to move on. non pas trop, mais de temps en temps j'ai le bon souvenir de mon.
-jul: What's the most memorable thing a fan has done for you?
-Adrian Paul: Once someone sent my name to the Institute for Peace for the things that I've done.
-laurence: It's hard to get news about you. You lead a quiet life, apparently away from show biz.
-Adrian Paul: No, because when I don't work, I don't talk to the papers, and in France they're different than in the US. I don't like being in front of the camera all the time.
-tiny: what are your plans for the Xmas holidays?
-Adrian Paul: Go to London, see my family.
-Samuel: You're magnificent in the Scottish kilt and long hair … lol
-Adrian Paul: Thanks :)
-ggr: Do you have kids?
-Adrian Paul: no.
-Fang_Shiyu: Adrian Paul do you use the saber a lot since the series is over?
-Adrian Paul: Not too much, but I practice martial arts and martial arts weapons.
-steph13: Would you like to film in France again?
-Adrian Paul: That would be great because I love Paris.
-caroline06: Since you don't have a child, wouldn't you like one with a French woman? :)
-Adrian Paul: Are you talking about with Sophie Marceau ? She already has kids!
-Moderator: One last word for the cyberguests.
-Adrian Paul: Thanks for all of your admiration and faithfulness to the series. I hope I'll do something else that you like. Until next time, Bye! Adrian Paul.
-Adrian Paul: See you!!