Adrian's Angels... the Ultimate Adrian Paul Fan Site
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highlander books, highlander movies, highlander tv, highlander episode guides, adrian paul tracker, adriain paul, adrians angles, adrian paul biography, adrian paul filmography

Be sure and check out our AUDIO PAGE too!

Not everything is set in stone...many of these are old and perhaps our dates are incorrrect. If you have any information about any of the
videos or good Screencaps you'd like to share, we'd be grateful. We DO NOT have all the video clips , information or screencaps.
You will find TONS on YouTube so be sure and check that out when you leave Adrian's Angels.
June 3, 1994 marked Adrian's very first online chat. Held on AOL Chat, there were just over 700 excited fans in the Chat Room. The Chat was Moderated, and they mediated from all the questions submitted.

There are no photos, it was not a Video Chat.

Read the AOL Transcript HERE!!
December 14, 1994 was the second Adrian Paul
interview chat on AOL Online. Again, the Chat was Moderated and all questions submitted were fielded so as not to repeat asking the same thing repeatedly as tends to happen.

There were no photos, this was not a Video Chat.

There was a 3rd Chat in September of 2001 just prior to Endgame being released. I used to have the Transcript, but cannot find it..or online.
(If anyone has a copy & would hsre, it would be appreciated!)

Read the AOL Transcript HERE!!
"C'est pas trop tôt"
October 10. 2004

Adrian participated in an online interview from France. Thanks to our many friends who shared the translations.

to read it in English!
Adrian Paul News Archive 2004
There are a TON more screencaps alongside the Interview.
Adrian was in a great mood!

2005 DVD Exclusive Awards
February 8, 2005

Video Interview
(sorry, link no longer active)

Interviewed by Stephanie and  Robert Sanchez on the Red Carpet

Special thanks to Sheryl S for finding this gem!

London Interview
February 2006
(we are unsure of date..if anyone has specifics, please contact me!)

Watch the video on YouTube

adrian paul television,  adrian paul interviews,  adrian paul commercials, adrian paovies, adrian paul books, highlander, adrian paul highlander, adrian paul audio,
highlander books, highlander movies, highlander tv, highlander episode guides, adrian paul tracker, adriain paul, adrians angles, adrian paul biography, adrian paul filmography
The Grand Slam Sci-Fi Summit
Burbank, CA
April 2007

Interviewed by: Madeline
Click HERE
(thx to www.

Check out our Grand Slam Report from the Convention

"To my Angels"
Peace, Adrian Paul
Romantic Times Dinner
April 2008

Barbara Vey Interview
(16 seconds!)

Click HERE
Watch the short video of Adrian visiting the Hungarian dog shelter (2008) with the mayor of this little town.  

It's in Hungarian, no translation at this time Click HERE!

Adrian Paul Screencaps
Hungary 2008 video at dog shelter
March 2008

The Hungarian television series filmed the ongoing renovation of Adrian Paul and Alexandra Tonelli's Budapest apartment.
(thanks to Victoria and the Hunlander group)
Click HERE  to head to the Hungarian screencaps.
We have 5 of the 7 episodes screencapped, so we hope you enjoy a HUGE page full of pics!
(The original videos can be found on, but you need to download their media player to watch.)

I found three episodes/composite videos on by Adrian Paul Official. Here are the links to those videos:

Esti Frizbi
February 2009

Great interview on Hungarian television. Adrian is introduced and kicks butt!!

New TV Interview with Adrian Paul

Click HERE to watch the video but be sure and
check out our extensive report and screencaps page too!

 The Interview is in Hungarian, but if you listen 4 or 5 times to Adrian you can get the gist of it. LOL

adrian paul television,  adrian paul interviews,  adrian paul commercials, adrian paovies, adrian paul books, highlander, adrian paul highlander, adrian paul audio,
highlander books, highlander movies, highlander tv, highlander episode guides, adrian paul tracker, adriain paul, adrians angles, adrian paul biography, adrian paul filmography
Lollipops And Rainbows Foundation Launch Party
The Green Girls Interview

May 2, 2009

Click HERE to watch the video

Adrian Paul Brings P.E.A.C.E To Children Everywhere

May 2 2009

No talking, just smiles!
ADRIAN PAUL on the Red Carpet at the Celebrity Launch Of The Lollipops And Rainbows Foundation at Universal City Walk in Hollywood.
Click HERE!

 Adrian and Martial Arts Class Los Angeles HLWW9  Convention
April 24-26, 2009

Adrian demonstrated and
taught a Tai Chi class.
You can catch the very short videos here.
Photos copyright & HLWW
Big John Farris assists Adrian
Thanks to Linda A for the Screencaps
adrian paul television,  adrian paul interviews,  adrian paul commercials, adrian paovies, adrian paul books, highlander, adrian paul highlander, adrian paul audio,
highlander books, highlander movies, highlander tv, highlander episode guides, adrian paul tracker, adriain paul, adrians angles, adrian paul biography, adrian paul filmography
NFAR (National Foundation for Autism Research
December 14, 2009

Chris Morrow from CNN ireport convinced a few celebrities to
help out. WIth  video camera ready they were all filmed performing a section of "The Night Before Christmas."

Adrian's part was:

" When what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a miniature sleigh and eight tiny reindeer.

With a little ol' driver so lively and quick, I knew in a moment it must be St. Nick.

More rapid than eagles, his courses they came
And he whistled, and shouted and called them by name."
December 14, 2009
Chris Morrow reporting for
(click here)

After the reading, Adrian was asked about his "Guilty Pleasures." It's about 30 seconds long....but cute.

TV Show: "True Blood"
Favorite Junk Food: Chocolate
And...his IPod....which he could not find. :))
Adrian Paul CNN iReport video by Chris Morrow
Adrian Paul CNNiReport video by Chris Morrow

From the live Russian Interview with Adrian attending the World Health Day seminar in Tula, Russia
November 16, 2011

To watch the video......

See a whole page of pics
from the Russia visit

Adrian dances the Cha-Cha in a small video. The link is on the Screencaps page.

Sambo-70 Education Centre
November 11, 2011

Adrian and Alexander Nevsky andAlexander Nevsky visit the educational centre.

Watch the video here:

Nice Interview!! Use Google Chrome and you have an option to translate to English....

Museum de los Ninos
January 22, 2013
Costa RIca

During the last Tuesday 22 January, the Children's Museum was used as a location for filming some scenes of the movie "AE."

Click HERE for the short video.
Things went fine until Adrian's little friend (his son, Royce) discovered the camera. :))

Highlander's Adrian Paul Talks About The Peace Fund and Celebs4Kids
January 28, 2013

JW Najarian interviews Adrian in a 2:26min video on the Red Carpet for Night of 100 Stars in Hollywood.

Roger Neal's Style Hollywood 17th Annual Ultimate Beauty and Couture Suite
Feb 24, 2013

Interview with Actresses Mikayla and Shayna Chapman at the  at the L'ERMITAGE Hotel in Beverly Hills before he enters the Gifting Suite. Just over 4 minutes long, you can watch on YouTube.

At one point Adrian was asked, "If you were stranded on a deserted island, what three things would you want to have with you?"

His replies:
Water, his Wife and a Boat. :))

Some of the links may no longer work. We do try to keep up but it's a never-ending job.
1998 Cover Model Adrian Paul w/Quick Time video
Link no longer active, sorry
2000 Adrian Paul proves there can be more than one immortal Highlander .
Link no longer active, sorry
2000 Sept Chat Transcript  Release of HL Endgame
Link no longer active, sorry
2001 The immortal Adrian Paul enlists as an intergalactic bounty hunter in Tracker
Link no longer active, sorry
2004 Highlander: The Series Season Four release
2004  There's also a great article in Feb, 2004 Ugo online mag with Adrian Paul about Season 3 DVDs
2004 Online chat in french open to fans. Read the French Interview in English, translated by Wain on our Adrian's Angels French Chat Page.  
2004 Interview in France regarding the release of HL: The Series, Season One on DVD.
Click here for the Adrian's Angels page ...Hotel Carillon Interview (translated by Wain)
2004 French Chat about release of Highlander DVD
2005 Interview with Adrian about Tsunami, Highlander and the creative process. "Last Man Standing: Adrian Paul"
2005 Adrian Paul Charts New Waters as Gay Submarine Captain in Tides of War By Bill Biss
Link no longer active, sorry
2005 Tsunami auction a success
Link no longer active, sorry
2005 Paul Continues Relief Efforts
2005 Ask Adrian w.vide
2006 High Hopes A discussion about HL: The Source
2007 Video interview w/Adrian at SciFi Grand Slam event
2007 Interview about "Tides of War"
Link no longer active, sorry
2007 Highlander's Paul goes to Source.    Interview about Highlander: The Source
Link no longer active, sorry
2007 Paul Intrigued by Roanoke     Interview with Adrian about "Wraiths of Roanoke"
2007 Feb "Adrian Paul Gets Immortal Again" Interview w/Brian about "THe Source."
2008 Adrian talks about "Highlander: The Source," the problems, character and more
2008 Adrian talks about "Highlander: The Source" release on DVD
2008 Interview about "Highlander: The Source"
2008 Interview with Adrian about "HL: The Source"
2008 March, Adrian is interviewed about "The Source" release and his other current projects
Joblo/Arrow in the Head
2008 March Adrian speaks about upcoming projects and making Highlander
2008 March  Quickie little interview by Matt Price about "HL: TS"
2008 March, Another interview about release of Highlander movie on DVD
2008 March 18  A Hungarian Interview.
2008 Seven (7) TV interviews with Adrian and Alexandra and their apartment renovation
2008 Interview by Mike Spring as the Highlander DVDs are set to be released.
2008 TV Interview with Adrian and Alexandra.  How they met and more.
2008 Quickie promo by Barbara Vey at Romantic Times Cover Model ceremony
2008  Russian TV interview, Alex's birthday
2009 May  Lollipops and Rainbows Launch party (no talking, just posing)
2009  May   Green Girls Interview Adrian talks about PEACE, P4P and more
2009  May Adrian talks about being recognized as the Highlander, favorite actors & influences
2010 April  Adrian talks with "Show Us Your Goodness" about The PEACE Fund for a contest
2011 June 23 Chris Marrow of CNN iReport has a little video interview with Adrian.
2011 July 22 Adrian answered fan questions in a short interview on (link not available any longer)
See pics above and link to video is to the right ----->>>
2012 March  Adrian is interviewed by two sweet little girls prior to entering the Pre-Oscars Gifing Lounge

Interviews dating back to 2004
Watch the 2008 renovation of Adrian & Alexandra's Hungarian home.
A great Hungarian TV Interview with Adrian and Alexandra, Translation & Links
Adrian's 2011 visit to Russia with great screencaps and links.

~Back to Adrian Paul Main Page~

Sadly, over the years many of the interviews have disappeared. We've attempted to give you a fairly detailed list and if we are missing anything..or a link does not work...
please E-MAIL me and let me know.  

We've tried to keep this current and if we are missing anything, feel free to contact us so we can keep this the UltimateAdrian Paul Fan Site filled with the Ultimate information!
Thank you!!

**Disclaimer: Every attempt was made to obtain permission for use of pictures and
graphics. This site is intended as entertainment only. No offense is intended. If you
find that I have "pinched" a picture, graphics or sound file that violates any laws of
Copyright please notify me immediately and they will be removed.**

All rights reserved 2001-2015
Site designed and maintained by Rileah Ringo
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highlander books, highlander movies, highlander tv, highlander episode guides, adrian paul tracker, adriain paul, adrians angles, adrian paul biography, adrian paul filmography